Steve Schiltz plays guitar and sings in the band Longwave. Steve has also played guitar with Albert Hammond Jr. on tour.
Let's take a look at some of the gear and equipment that has been seen in Steve's guitar rig.
Click the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and Amazon
- 1964 Fender Jazzmaster (sunburst)
- 1974 100-watt Marshall Super Lead (with EL34 tubes and no brightness capacitor)
- 1970 Hiwatt 4x12 cab
- Digitech Whammy pedal
- Chicago Iron Octavian fuzz
- Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
- Boss Super Shifter pedal
- Boss TU-2 pedal
- 1 Spot Power
- Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde Ultimate Overdrive Guitar Pedal
- Dunlop Crybaby Wah pedal
- Dunlop Rotovibe
- Boss Delay pedal (DD5)
- Marshall Reflector Digital Reverb
- Marshall ShredMaster peda
Go to the next page for pictures of Steve's guitar rig.
The following picture is of Steve Schiltz' longwave pedalboard and was taken in January 2009 by hunta. The image is creative commons licensed from flickr.
Click the image to enlarge it fullsize.