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Our buddy Miles has major G.A.S. over the Wampler Tumnus overdrive pedal. Could it be the best Klon-style OD pedal for the price? Check this pedal out!

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Rab Allan plays guitar and lead vocals in the Scottish alternative rock band band Glasvegas, that formed in Glasgow.

Let's look at some of the gear and equipment that has been seen in Rab's Glasvegas guitar rig.

Rab playing guitar

CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool


- Burns London electric guitars (left-handed models)

- Fender Blues DeVille 410

Fender Blues DeVille 410 Reissue Guitar Amp

- Fender Hot Rod Deville

Fender Hot Rod DeVille 410 III 60W 4x10 Tube Guitar Combo Amp


- Line 6 DL4

- Boss TU-2 pedal

- Boss LS-2 Line Selector

- Boss Super Overdrive

Boss SUPER OverDrive SD-1 Pedal

- Line 6 DM-4

- Electro Harmonix HOG with HOG footswitch

Electro-Harmonix HOG 2 Harmonic Octave Generator Guitar Effects PedalElectro-Harmonix HOG 2 Foot Controller

- Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man

Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man XO Analog Delay Guitar Effects Pedal

- Electro Harmonix Holiest Grail pedal


- Dunlop Green Tortex picks


Go to the next page for great pictures of Rab's guitar rig.


Thanks to  janeinma2003 for giving us permission to use these great pictures of Rab Allan's GlasVegas pedalboard. The pictures are from Jan of 2009.

Glasvegas pedals

Glasvegas guitar pedals