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Breaking Benjamin's Gear

14 years 10 months ago #578 by NAD
Breaking Benjamin's Gear was created by NAD
Copied this from their site. It's pretty much all the gear the entire band uses.

Ben Burnley:
PRS McCarty - C#
PRS Custom Breaking Ben Hollowbody C
PRS Custom Baritone Breaking Ben Hollowbody A#
All Washburn Acoustic

Aaron Fink:
Music Man Ernie Ball Axis Sport for C & C#
-Back-UP PRS MaCarty C & C#
Music Man Ernie Ball Silhouette A#
-Back-UP Washburn Custom Idol Baritone
Dressing Room Guitar- BooGie St. White Lighting Hollowbody
All Washburn Acoustic

Mark Klepaski:
Warwick 5 string Streamer 2
Music Man String Ray
Music Man Sterling
All Washburn Acoustic

7.2 - What type/gauge strings do the guys use?
Ben Burnley:
Ernie Ball Custom Set 12 - 56 for C#
Ernie Ball Custom Set 12 - 60 for C
Ernie Ball Custom Set 13 - 68 for A#

Aaron Fink:
Ernie Ball Custom Set 11 - 52 for C#
Ernie Ball Custom Set 12 - 56 for C
Ernie Ball Custom Set 13 - 68 for A#

Mark Klepaski:
Ernie Ball 5 Set 50 - 130 for C# & C
Ernie Ball 5 Set 45 - 130 for C#

7.3 - What amps do the guys use?
Ben Burnley:
Randall RM50 into a Randall R412XL 75watt

Aaron Fink:
Randall RM100 into a Randall R412CS

Mark Klepaski:
SVTVR Classic Main into a Ampeg SVT810HP
SVT 4 Pro Back-UP

7.4 - What Effects/Pedals does each member use live?
Ben Burnley:
Boss TU-2 Tuner
Boss DD-20 Digital Delay
Boss PS-5 Super Shifter

Aaron Fink:
Boss TU-2 Tuner
MXR Phase 90
Dime Crybaby From Hell Wah
Digitech Whammy
Boss DD-20 Digital Delay
Boss TR-2 Tremolo
Hugher & Kettuer Rotosphere MK 2

Mark Klepaski:
Boss TU-2 Tuner
Budda Phat Bass

7.5 - What Effects/Pedals does each member use in the studio?
Ben Burnley:
Digtech Whammy

Aaron Fink:
Digitech Jimi Hendrix Experience
Digitech DigiDelay Digital Delay
Digitech Jam Man

Mark Klepaski:
Digitech The Bass Squeeze
Digitech Whammy
Digitech The Bass Driver
Digitech The Bass Multi Chorus
Digitech The Bass Synth Wah

7.6 - What pedal boards does the band use?
All Pedal Boards & Guitar Cab covers from Coffin Case
All Flight Cases from Clydesdale Case

7.7 - What guitar picks do the guys use?
All picks are from InTune 60mm

7.8 - What guitar straps does Breaking Benjamin use?
All Straps are from Levy's
All Straplocks are from Dunlop

7.9 - What kind of guitar cables does the band use?
All cables come from

7.10 - What else does the band use?
Big Bend's Nut Sauce
JP Guitar Tool

7.11 - What about Chad's drums?
Chad's drum information will be posted shortly. We will let you know when all the information is posted. In the meantime:

Chad is sponsored by the following companies:

7.12 - Thank you
A BIG thank you goes to HooGie BB’s guitar / bass tech for helping us out with most of this information. We owe you one man!

To somewhat payback HooGie:

Please go check out his Entertainment Management

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14 years 10 months ago #581 by uberpro
Replied by uberpro on topic Re:Breaking Benjamin's Gear
Nice. We actually have two of these guys all rigged out and ready to go on the site in the near future (they are in the list). Thanks :)

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