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Matt Carter and Toby Morrell- Emery

15 years 9 months ago #370 by David1212
Hey guys, I just would like to know what guitar gear they use. Thanks!

I don't know too much about what they use, besides the fact Matt uses Mesa's and Fender Tele's.

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15 years 9 months ago #371 by uberpro
Let's take a stab at this....

In This video Matt talks about the Mesa gear he uses. Also, on the Mesa site they list some gear. Here is the Mesa gear for Matt:
- Mesa Boogie Stiletto Trident - Wine Taurus/Tan
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
- Mesa Boogie Tremoverb
- Mesa Boogie 4x12 Standard Rectifier Cab-Straight-Wine / Tan Grille

There is also a picture of Matt on the Mesa site with some gear.

In the video Matt says their bass uses:
- Mesa Boogie big Block amp

There is also a page for Devin on the mesa site.
Devin's Mesa gear is listed as:
-4x12 Standard Rectifier Cab-Straight-Wine / Tan Grille

The Fender website has an Emery page that appears to list the Fender gear they use. Here is what we can see on there:
- Fender American Vintage ‘62 Telecaster® Custom
- Fender Standard Telecaster®
- Fender American Standard Jazz Bass®
- Fender Highway One™ Texas Telecaster®
- Fender '65 Twin Reverb® amplifier

This article says they use Ovation acoustic guitars.

Here are some pictures that are tagged Emery on flickr, that have some shots of pedals:
Pedal Pic 1
Pedal Pic 2
Pedal Pic 3

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15 years 9 months ago #372 by David1212
Thanks a lot that was fast.

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