Cameron Liddell plays rhythm guitar for the modern metalcore band Asking Alexandria. Being from Britain, Liddell is inspired by bands such as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, but especially 80's Hair Metal Bands. Asking Alexandria's sound can be credited much to his tight Rhythm Guitar playing.
Let's check some of the gear that Cameron has been seen using, both on tour and in the Studio.
Click the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and Amazon
Note:Most of the guitars that Cameron uses are not sold in Left-Handed models. He has the various companies make custom left-handed versions for him.
- Ibanez CLM1 Cameron Liddell Signature
- ESP LTD Deluxe EC-1000 (Vintage Black. This is his main Guitar, and He has a custom rose inlay on his.)
- Ibanez DN500 (One of his other main guitars. He has them in white and black)
- Fender Standard Stratocaster Left-Handed (3-Tone Sunburst, Rosewood Neck. Used on the "A Prophecy" music video)
- Various Custom Ibanez Left-Handed Guitars
- Peavey 6534 amp head
- Peavey 6505+
- Peavey 4x12" cabinet
- Fender Super Sonic 60 Amp Head ("A Prophecy" music video)
- Orange Amplifiers 4x12 Slant Cab
- Sommatone Outlaw and cabinet
- Maxon OD-808 - Cam began using these in 2012
Note:In the studio Cameron plugs his guitar directly into his 6505+, He uses the MXR Distortion Pedal Live so his tone will be different from Ben's.
- MXR Distortion Pedal (Used Live. Not sure what model?)
- Dunlop Heavy Core Electric Strings - Heavy Gauge
- DiMarzio 2" Nylon Cliplock Strap (he has them in White and Black)
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