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Annie Clements is the bass player (and backing vocalist) in the mega country band Sugarland. She has also played bass in many other bands.

Let's take a look at some of the gear and equipment that Annie has been seen playing in her bass rig.

Annie playing bass 


CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool



- Fender ’61 P-Bass with ’63 Fender Jazz Bass neck (the 61 body originally belonged to Jaco Pastorius)

- Fender Custom Shop copy of above bass (she has stated she doesn't like to take the real '61 out)

- Fender Road worn ’60s Jazz Bass

Fender Road Worn '60s Jazz Bass

- Gretsch Broadkaster bass (pictured with on her website)

Amps and Cabinets
- Ampeg B-15 combo (Sugarland)

- Ampeg SVT-4 PRO head

- Ampeg SVT-810E cabs

- SWR Goliath cabs ("Down in Mississippi" video shoot)

- Avalon U5 DI

- Boss TU-2 tuner (seen using at Ground Star studio)