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Mike Herrera is an American musician most widely known as the vocalist and bass guitarist for the pop punk band MxPx. Mike is the primary songwriter, and plays the bass guitar as well as performs the vocals in the pop punk band MxPx.

Not only does Mike have his own production studio, he also has been in other projects such as Arthur, The Cootees, and country band Tumbledown.  

Let's see what type of gear and equipment you could find in Mike's bass rig.

Mike Herrera

CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool


Bass Guitars
- Custom Ernie Ball/Music Man StingRays

- Fender Precision basses (mexican made white one, 70's one that is sunburst/maple)

- Peavey T-40 bass

Amps and Cabinets

- Hartke LH1000 head and an Hartke 8x10 HyDrive cabinet

Hartke HyDrive Series 810 2000W 8x10

- Hartke AC150 bass combo (there is a pic of his amp on Hartke's myspace)

- Ampeg SVT-CL head

Ampeg SVT-CL Classic Bass Head

- Ampeg SVT-4 PRO head

- Ampeg SVT 810E 8x10 cabinets

- Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI

Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI

- SansAmp RBI (in the studio)

Tech 21 Sansamp RBI Rackmount Bass Tube Amp Emulator

- Fulltone Overdrive

- Ernie Ball Stainless Slinkys (.050–.105)

Ernie Ball 2842 Regular Slinky Stainless Steel Bass Strings