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Our buddy Miles has major G.A.S. over the Wampler Tumnus overdrive pedal. Could it be the best Klon-style OD pedal for the price? Check this pedal out!

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Randy Rhoads was an American heavy metal guitarist who's best known for playing with Ozzy Osbourne. Rhoads is cited as an influence by many heavy metal guitarists. A student of classical guitar, Rhoads often combined his classical music influences with his own heavy metal style. While on tour with Ozzy Osbourne, he would often seek out classical guitar tutors for lessons. It should also be noted that Randy played in the band Quiet Riot.

Rhoads was mostly a Jackson guitar / Marshall amplifier man. Let's look at some of the gear and equipment that has been seen in Randy Rhoads Guitar Rig.

CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool

- Gibson Les Paul Custom 1974 w/stock pickups

- Karl Sandoval Flying V w/DiMarzio PAF as a neck pickup and DiMarzio Super Distortion as a bridge pickup

- Jackson RANDY RHOADS  RR-1 w/Seymour Duncan Jazz and Distortion pickups

Jackson USA RR1 Randy Rhoads Select Series Electric Guitar

- Jackson Rhoads style V

Note: Jackson makes a variety of Rhoads guitars


Amps and Cabinets
- Marshall JMP 100Watt Master Volume Head amplifier

- 1959 Super Lead Plexi 100W Head (with the "Cascade" mod)

- Marshall 4x12 Cabinets loaded with Altec 417-8H speakers

Marshall 1960A or 1960B 300W 4x12 Guitar Extension Cabinet



Effects and More
- MXR 10 Band Equalizer

- MXR Analog Delay

- MXR Distortion Plus

- MXR Stereo Chorus

- MXR Stereo Flanger

MXR M-117R Flanger Effects Pedal

- Roland FV-300H Volume Pedal

Boss FV-500H Mono Volume Pedal

- Vox 847 Wah

- Roland RE-301 Space Echo Tape Delay, Chorus, Reverb (re-20 pic below)

- Yamaha E1005 & E1010 Analog Delay, Chorus, Flanger

- GHS guitar strings (10 or 11 gauge strings)

Comments (35)

  • :woohoo: This is awesome gear I love Randy Rhoads my only dream is to play like him!!!!
  • wooo! im a step done. got the same wah! hahah
  • MXR makes an analog delay thats similar to the one randy uses. IT called a Carbon Copy.
  • Randy lives on!Going to put a DiMarzio Super Distortion in my next guitar just because of him and Dave Murray
  • when did he use a flanger?
  • What was the effect he used on "Over The MOuntain" live? Was it the roland space echo?
  • Randys amp was modified during a visit at the Marshall factory in England.
    The mod done was called a "cascade" which resulted in channel 1 being connected to the preamp which gives you a adjustable preamp volume.
    The 2nd channel became a master volume which ment you could get distortion even at low volume.
    So it´s not a stock 1959 Super Lead Plexi 100W Head.
    A big picture of some of his gear :cheer:
  • 0
  • What kind of strings did he use?
  • What kind of strings did he use?
    he used 10-46 GHS
  • 1.randy used a 1974 LPC ,NOT 1970
    1.he also used a bunch of 80's lp customs
  • 1.randy used a 1974 LPC ,NOT 1970
    1.he also used a bunch of 80's lp customs

    He didn't play 1980's les pauls, he died in 1982, but the guitar in those videos is a limited run replica, that was made in 1985, of the 1974 les paul custom that randy rhoads used.
  • If Randy used .010 or .011 ga. strings, I'll eat a set of strings, package and Dean Markley sticker included. Why do guitarists feel the need to lie about the thickness of strings? Nine ga. not manly enough? Eleven ga. strings on that Jackson would have the neck lookin' like a compound bow.
  • Eric:

    He did indeed us GHS Gus series 11's--I know someone who knew him. I used them on my Jackson with no problems whatsoever. They have been discontinued. I still use only 11's. 9's are way too flimsy for me. To each his own...
  • he actually used a '62 les paul custom. I read him saying that in one of his interviews
    • a 62 les paul custom is a sg body remeber!
      • I am pretty sure that Gibson issued the last proper Les Paul models throughout the early 60s, before the SGs came along. :-)
    • If that's the case, he was mistaken. I dont for one minute believe that he ever said that. It was a 1974 model purchased at Gutar Center on Sunset Strip Hollywood CA. This was confirmed to me personally by Kelly Garni and Kevin Dubrow both from Quiet Riot. the band all pitched in to buy it for him during his time with the band. He was very aware that it was a '74. 
  • he actually used a '62 les paul custom. I read him saying that in one of his interviews
    Not sure. But his 1974 is the main one
    • actually he was told it was a 62 custom when he bought it. its was actually a 74 custom
    • Actually it was a '74.
    • That could possibly be his Gibson Les Paul Custom 'Black Beauty' with 3 humbuckers. He only used it in photo shots and rarely on live shows. His signature Gibson Les Paul, however, is a 1974 model, since there were no Les Pauls in 'cream' finish coming out of the Gibson factories until the 70s. :-)
      • He never used that guitar live, it belonged to the photographer and was only used for the photo shoot.
      • The "Black Beauty" Les Paul with 3 Humbuckers didn't belong to him.  It was provided for the photo shoot by the photographer who was the actual owner.  The only Les Paul Randy owned was his cream '74 bought for him by the members of Quiet Riot when he was in the band.  I was personally told by Kelli Garni and Kevin Dubrow (RIP) that it was indeed a '74 and was purchased at Guitar Center on Sunset Blvd. 
    • Gibson stopped making the les paul from 1960 until 1968! So a 1962 les paul custom? Nope
    • His '74 wasnt only his main Les Paul, it was his only Les Paul! He has been photographed with other guitar such as a Strat and black 3 pickup Les Paul but they were both borrowed. The Strat he borrowed from a friend and the black Les Paul belonged to the photographer. The only guitars he owned were the '74 Les Paul Custom, the white Jackson "Concord" and the Polka Dot Karl Sandoval V. Jackson had been buildng a second prototype Randy Rhoads model in black (first prototype being the white Concord) however, it wasnt delivered until after his death.I have seen this guitar myself in person at Musonia the serial number was 00001 pretty effin cool!
    • If that's the case, he was mistaken. I dont for one minute believe that he ever said that. It was a 1974 model purchased at Gutar Center on Sunset Strip Hollywood CA. This was confirmed to me personally by Kelly Garni and Kevin Dubrow both from Quiet Riot. the band all pitched in to buy it for him during his time with the band. He was very aware that it was a '74.
  • If Randy used .010 or .011 ga. strings, I'll eat a set of strings, package and Dean Markley sticker included. Why do guitarists feel the need to lie about the thickness of strings? Nine ga. not manly enough? Eleven ga. strings on that Jackson would have the neck lookin' like a compound bow.

    Eric, .011 gauge strings in reality aren't very thick at all- and wouldn't have any adverse effect on the neck. Jazz guitarists frequently use .013 or higher on holowbodys; Stevie Ray Vaughn used .012 gauge regularly (at one time Stevie even strung his guitar with 0.018 to 0.074). You're closed minded for thinking that .009 is necessary, or perhaps insecure about being unable to play with a thicker gauge. Not to say that it is necessary; Chuck Berry went as far as using even lighter banjo strings at one point in his career to pull off his signature bends. It's all about what you're comfortable with and what sound you're looking for. Your guitar's neck can take the abuse, as long as it's setup properly with the truss rod adjusted to compensate. Get eatin those strings.
    • Heheheeee. Gideeyup Ryan. Sorry Eric, get out the mustard. And just food for thought, since we're eating things, Randy played nylon string classical guitar with a thick neck. Dont you think 11's would be cake for him? I have 11's on my pauls and set my action low with strings wrapped around tail. It makes it EASY to bend cuz i have MS and more sustain if bridge is dropped against the guitar. Even if RR played 5's, hes still an untouchable tone beast. ;-)
  • Eric:

    He did indeed us GHS Gus series 11's--I know someone who knew him. I used them on my Jackson with no problems whatsoever. They have been discontinued. I still use only 11's. 9's are way too flimsy for me. To each his own...
    i use 38-8s on my ltd v-50 in standard, and use 62-14 dunlops on my other ltd v-50, i like my action low and fast, and the setups i have are perfect for me, so its preference
  • He used a Cry Baby Wah pedal. I know this because you can hear him say it himself:

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