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Gibson has finally done it! The legendary Gibson Greeny Les Paul has been released in both Standard and Custom Shop versions. Check this beauty out NOW before it sells out!!

Gibson Greeny Les Paul Standard Electric Guitar

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So I was looking to add another cymbal to my drumkit and decided to go to the music store to see what I could find. The store had a large display with a bunch of 10" splashes and a few 8" and 12" cymbals. I really didn't want to spend a lot on a splash, and as I looked the cheapest splash on the rack was $45 and only a 10". The guy behind the counter took out a drum stick and proceded to smack each splash for me so I could hear the difference in sounds. None of them sounded THAT great to me.

After listening to a bunch of 10" cymbals, I felt that I wanted a 12 inch and that's when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that there was about 6 Wuhan 12" Splash Cymbals hanging on the wall. I asked for their price - under $30! This was looking promising. We then took all 6 of them out on the floor and hit each one. About 3 of them sounded the same, and the other 3 sounded quite different. One of them sounded a bit darker and louder than the others - it was a great sound. I bought it and took it home for a test drive.

Below is a picture I took of my "Gently" used Wuhan. Looks nice eh? 

Wuhan Crash Cymbal

All I can say is nice splash cymbal! For under $30 the Wuhan sounded as good as any of the $100 one's and appears to have gotten some great reviews on the Internet. If you are in the market for a new splash cymbal, give this one a try.

 (Click image below to enlarge)


Here's some info on the cymbal (Click the image to buy the cymbal at Musicians Friend):


Wuhan "Western-Style" splashes, crashes, hi-hats, and rides are created by Wuhan's cymbal craftsman and have a distinct, unmistakable character. Generally thinner than other cymbals, they produce a breathy wash of overtones and a comfortable cushion of sound that is complex and very musical. Guaranteed for one year. If they break for any reason, you get a replacement from the manufacturer. No questions asked.